¿Cúal es tu Lego preferido?

sábado, 10 de abril de 2010

Michael Goldry

Michael Goldry es un director francés que hace videoclips y publicidad muy chulos. Aquí hay tres de ellos.

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy chulos los videos Dani, son muy divertidos...

    And I have to say Way to go!! It's kinda cool to see you all excelling so greatly in the play (Hamlet). Thank you all for a very good time. I enjoyed it and wanted to share that I'm very proud of you all!!!!
    Keep up the good work!!
    Take care, Dani... Thank you.
    Alicia :-)

  2. And We have to say Way to go!! It's kinda cool to see you all excelling so greatly in the play (Hamlet). Thank you all for a very good time. I enjoyed it and wanted to share that I'm very proud of you all!!!!
    Keep up the good work!!
    Take care, Dani... Thank you.

    Angel, Paloma, Alicia
